Thursday, October 16, 2008

I was tagged!

Okay, so I was tagged. Now I need to come up with 7 interesting facts about me. Hmmmmm

1. I love to be at home, in my jammies, just chillin' out! Especially on cold, winter, snowy days! (then I usually have the Christmas music on).
2. Call me Crazy, but Crafts are In! I am usually in the mood to create! I love seeing someone else's creativity, and turn it into a "work of art" of my own! I need a Girls Time Out! Anyone in?
3. Family, family, family! I love my family! I love spending time with them, and doing fun family activities.
4. I don't like to cook. Yep, that's right! My poor family suffers big time. I have 3 brothers, and all of them love to cook, and are GREAT at it. What happened to me ? :) I will "bake" however, but absolutely have to be in the mood!
5. I play the piano, and the flute, however, I have let my talents go by the wayside. I should practice harder!
6. I am very grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I love serving in the Primary and learning from the little children.
7. I have three children, a cat, a dog, and a Wonderful Husband!

There, that wasn't too bad! Now I am tagging: Becky, Stephanie, and Tia, and anyone else who reads this and wants to do the same! It's kind of fun!

1 comment:

Nan said...

Jodi, is that a Picasa slideshow on your sidebar? How did you get it to work? I have never had any success with those?